20 Facts about Tracy
1. Tracy's favourite historical character is Eleanor of Aquitaine.
2. She had a blast playing double agent Blayes in Magic Bullet's brilliant sci fi audio series Kaldor City.
3. Tracy loves specialising in eLearning, audiobooks, audioguides and documentaries.
4. She likes a bike ride and once spent a week riding round Israel for charity.
5. Working as a ghoul called Morgana – Morg to her fiends - at the London Dungeon, she put the frighteners on visitors in subtle and nuanced ways.
6. She believes a trip to a cafe for an early morning breakfast is the new going out.
7. Next-door's cat used to be a regular visitor and she named her Hatchepsut after the female pharaoh. His actual name was Jake.
8. She produced an award winning feature film called 'Leave Now' and gadded about here and abroad to watch it at film festivals.
9.Tracy's never happier than when prowling around an old castle or stately home – better still - playing someone who once lived there which was a pleasure and a privilege for many years.
10. It’s not long before she hits a 900 day duolingo streak in Greek – ooh, po po po!
11. She enjoys scrubbing up and wearing a posh frock to act as MC for belly-dancing shows and film festivals.
12. Tracy spent several years practising as a qualified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner.
13. She loves her grub and has been vegan for several years.
14. Occasionally she goes over to the dark side as an enthusiastic Larper in stories inspired by HP Lovecraft.
15. In a parallel universe she's an Indiana Jones type investigating the Minoan civilisation of ancient Crete.
16. She's a member of a belly-dancing troupe, shimmying around local venues in sequins and rhinestones.
17. Tracy's the eldest of 6 sisters – mum held out for a boy but seems happy enough with a tribe of girls.
18. She lives happily with a musical filmmaker in an old cottage by the sea.
19. Back in the day, she joined forces with one of her talented sisters to perform a music hall act called Nelly and Glad.